Author: The New European
Watchdog of the EU: Interview with the EU Ombudsman
Emily O’Reilly is now on her second term as European Ombudsman. UNITEE had the rare opportunity of interviewing her on the work she does in her institution.
Crossroad of Europe and Belgian Melting Pot
Brussels is often nicknamed as the ‘European crossroad’. But does it really deserve it? UNITEE discussed the issue of migrant inclusion and diversity with Mohamed Ouriaghli, alderman at the City of Brussels.
13 ways to shake things up this Christmas
Thirteen of the most colourful ways to celebrate Christmas! Be inspired, for it is time to shake things up!
The Big 5: Five popular New Europeans of 2014
It is International Migrants Day! UNITEE jots down five of the most popular New Europeans in Europe this year, in the field of politics, business, arts and literature, entertainment, and sports.
The Untapped Potential of Gender Equality
According a recent study, if women were to work as much as men, Europe’s GDP could grow 27%. Well, why do we thus not make use of this great potential?
The Urban Factor
What is the connection between diversity, innovation and economic success in urban areas? Indeed, diversity, when correctly managed, brings terrific opportunities to cities. An overview of the ways cities can transform opportunities into reality.
Rencontre avec notre Nouvel Européen du mois, l’entrepreneur Ali Aktan
Ali Aktan a réussi brillamment là où beaucoup se seraient laissé déborder : le monde de l’entreprenariat et de l’immobilier. Voici son histoire.
Digital Agenda Series: A Safer Online Behaviour
Have you ever wondered what happens to your personal data? How can you be safe online?