Author: The New European
«La génération Erasmus doit être davantage mobilisée.» Interview avec Antoine Godbert
Menacé un temps de disparaitre, le programme Erasmus a été reconduit pour sept ans et s’appelle depuis le 1er janvier dernier Erasmus plus. UNITEE a interrogé Antoine Godbert, Directeur de l’Agence Europe-Education-Formation- France.
Urban summer, the European trend
Artificial urban beaches, volleyball playgrounds, music festivals or Berliner rooftop parties are just some of the alternatives inland European capital cities can offer in the summertime.
“We don’t want to see forced mobility in Europe.” Interview with Allan Päll (European Youth Forum)
Young people in Europe worry about the same things and the European Youth Forum helps them to make their voice heard.
“Make things happen, start your own enterprise” – Interview with Nicola Filizola
Several initiatives have emerged aiming to maximize the potential of the “lost generation”. Interview with Nicola Filizola of garagErasmus.
Why did Europe become so mobile?
European youth mobility is not only a result of the financial crisis, but do people who experience living abroad wait for the moment to go back home to find shelter? Many do not.
Funda Müjde: “I hope that I can be a role model for other people to become active”
It is often said that in times of adversity people show their true colours. In the case of Funda Müjde, it has become clear that she always looks at life through rose-coloured spectacles.
“Europe needs to be more open to the outside world.” Interview with MEP Philippe de Backer
A stronger Europe can only be achieved through more integration and more co-operation between member states. But first Europe will need to climb out of the crisis, says Philippe de Backer, Belgian MEP for ALDE.
“Europa moet meer openstaan naar de buitenwereld.” Interview met Europarlementariër Philippe de Backer
Een sterker Europa kan alleen bewerkstelligd worden door meer integratie en meer samenwerking tussen de lidstaten. Europa zal echter eerst uit de crisis moeten komen, zegt Philippe de Backer, Belgisch Europarlementariër voor de Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten.
“The EU should achieve sustainable growth by giving more women access to the labour market.” Interview with Mikael Gustafsson
Mikael Gustafsson was the Vice-Chair of the GUE/NGL group and Chair of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.
Turkish and European working cultures, less different than you expect
Daniele Volante is a 27-year-old Italian architect who has fallen in love with Turkey, after doing his final University project in Istanbul and eventually looking for a job in the Turkish megacity.