Author: The New European
“We should highlight the importance of migrant enterprises.” Interview with MEP Gunnar Hökmark
Gunnar Hökmark is a Swedish MEP from the European People’s Party and a member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. In an interview with UNITEE, he sheds light on the upcoming European elections, the importance of SMEs and migrant entrepreneurship, and EU-Turkey relations. What issues do you think will be most important for…
The extraordinary in the ordinary
Multistory and Magnum Photos have launched, in cooperation with nine British cultural institutions, the Open for Business project through which they aim to approach the contemporary world of manufacturing from a different angle.
Wonderland in Brussels
At the beginning there was a radio station. Wiktor Dabkowski, the now Brussels based photographer, was a DJ in the first free station in Poland. And also a club DJ. After some years that life became too tight for him. So, with his wife and a political science degree it came to the European city…
Next Head of the European Commission: Juncker?
As the last of the main European political groups, the European People’s Party nominated Jean-Claude Juncker for the post of next President of the European Commission last Friday. The former Prime Minister of Luxembourg received most of the support at an EPP party congress in Dublin. Care to know more about what the EPP stands…
Next Head of the European Commission: Schulz?
The current President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, is now running for the presidency of the European Commission as the candidate of Socialists and Democrats (S&D); officially announced on the first of March during the S&D’s election congress in Rome. Do you want to know more about what the S&D stands for? Read their…
“Women Make a Difference.” Interview with Elif Alduman of Golden Rose
For Elif Alduman, active member of the association Golden Rose, diversity and multiculturalism are strong qualities for society that can only be useful if we first learn how to live and work together.
From Housewife to Business Woman. Discover the Story of Fatma Ozkan, New European Entrepreneur.
Meet Fatma Ozkan, who, at 45, found herself at the head of a company of 11 employees in a job for which she had no training or experience.
Hier Femme au Foyer, aujourd’hui Entrepreneur. Découvrez l’Histoire de Fatma Ozkan.
De nombreuses mères au foyer cherchent à travailler ou à retravailler une fois leurs enfants devenus autonomes. Mais après plusieurs années d’inactivité, la reconversion peut s’avérer souvent compliquée. Pour Fatma Ozkan, qui a repris en 2010 le London, une brasserie- restaurant située sur la Place du Luxembourg à Bruxelles, en plein quartier européen, il s’agissait…
“Il faut aider les femmes à débloquer le frein à main.” Interview avec Viviane de Beaufort, professeure de droit européen à l’ESSEC
Viviane de Beaufort est Professeure de droit européen à l’ESSEC et expert auprès de l’Union Européenne, notamment en gouvernance comparée. Lors du premier Women’s Forum de Deauville, en 2004, elle rencontre des femmes aux parcours professionnels très divers et de haut niveau mais qui s’avèrent s’être en grande majorité confrontées au plafond de verre. Elle…
“Women need to release the handbrake.” Interview with Viviane de Beaufort, Professor at ESSEC
Viviane de Beaufort is Professor of European Law at ESSEC (France) and expert to the European Union, particularly in comparative governance.