Tag: Citizens
Keep the EU Moving
Freedom of movement, one of the values at the heart of today’s EU, is a subject of current debate. If for some, it is still a valid principle, for others it needs serious rethinking. A deep analysis of its limits and advantages is needed.
Watchdog of the EU: Interview with the EU Ombudsman
Emily O’Reilly is now on her second term as European Ombudsman. UNITEE had the rare opportunity of interviewing her on the work she does in her institution.
Is there or isn’t there a democratic deficit in the EU? Closing the Politician-Citizen Gap through Local Democracy
After a millennium, the essence of democracy remains the same: dêmos + kratos, “rule of the people”. Is this still the case in modern-day Europe?
There is Power in a Parliament: The European Parliament in 2009-2014
Between 22 and 25 May, EU citizens will go to the ballot box to vote for a new European Parliament. Critics have called the institution a ‘travelling circus’ whereas more positive commentators view it as one of the most powerful legislatures in the world. But how do these democratically elected representatives help us, the citizens…
Rock the Union, a social pulse meter towards EU Parliament elections
Hans Mund is a German 29-year-old communications analyst based in Brussels. He defines himself as a “creative solution finder” and has founded Rock the Union.