Tag: DG Grow
The EU’s support to migrant entrepreneurship. Interview with Lowri Evans, European Commission.
The European institutions are dedicating increasing attention to how to foster migrant and inclusive entrepreneurship at the EU level. To know more about this support, The New European talked to Lowry Evans, Director-General at DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Growth (DG GROW).
The role of entrepreneurship in fighting social exclusion
Entrepreneurship has the potential to be a solution for social exclusions in the EU and around the world. Inclusive entrepreneurship policies ensure that all members of society have an equal opportunity to start a business.
The Innovative SME
In the globalised economy, the strategic importance for SMEs to innovate cannot be understated. Unfortunately, often they cannot do it alone and need support. Policy makers at all levels have an important role to play, but coordination is needed.
Challenges and Opportunities of Migrant Entrepreneurship
The parallel phenomena of increased migration and maturing ethnic communities, together with the emphasis on economic growth, innovation, job creation and social integration in the EU, creates both challenges and opportunities.