Tag: economy
The Innovative SME
In the globalised economy, the strategic importance for SMEs to innovate cannot be understated. Unfortunately, often they cannot do it alone and need support. Policy makers at all levels have an important role to play, but coordination is needed.
Iran nuclear agreement
Sanctions that had been posed by the UN, US and EU over the Islamic Republic of Iran have gradually been lifted since the implementation of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action last year between Iran and EU3+3. Before the entry into force of this agreement, sanctions covered a wide range including asset freezes, travel bans, bans…
From the Ancient Silk Road to the One Belt, One Road Initiative.
The Ancient Silk Road was a network of trade routes, established during the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD). It was connecting Changan (Xian) in China to Venice and the Roman Empire in the West. These roads not only built a network of trade but also facilitated the cultural exchanges between two big civilisations.…
Is Schengen Area an added-value for EU countries?
30 years after the creation of the Schengen Area, it is the right time to assess its achievement and added-value. This area having more than 8 000 km of land borders and more than 40 000 km of sea borders is one of the most important acquis of the European Union. Recently, many EU citizens…
A new future for Turkey-EU relations
Few relationships in history have been as complex as the one between Turkey and the European Union. The President of UNITEE provides some ideas on how it could be revived.
Emerging Countries: Who Will Be the Next BRICs?
In the global economy, who will take the place of the BRICs? A brief look at the MINTs and their promising economic figures
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.”
More migration, not less, is key to Europe’s future economic well-being.
TTIP – What will be the benefits for SMEs?
The TTIP will have a strong and lasting impact on both economies. But which effects will it have on European SMEs?
A Turning Point for Europe’s Competitiveness
It is not politicians who create jobs, but enterprises. MEP Paul Rübig identifies the main lines of action the EU should pursue to foster companies competitiveness.