Tag: innovation
Doing Business in Zambia: an Interview with Zambian Ambassador
Take a look at our interview to discover business opportunities in Zambia
Freedom of Movement: Remedy or Disease?
Freedom of movement can definitely be a remedy for the EU’s current problems. But all remedies have risks. It is focusing only on them, without looking at the positive sides, that transforms them in a disease.
Growing the Tree of Diversity
Migration in recent years has become a global phenomenon, increasing the diversity of our cities and societies. Read the opinion of UNITEE’s President.
Towards intercultural cities
The evolution of European society begins from a new paradigm. Through the intercultural approach, European cities are becoming new laboratories for effective, innovative and fair forms of integration.
The Urban Factor
What is the connection between diversity, innovation and economic success in urban areas? Indeed, diversity, when correctly managed, brings terrific opportunities to cities. An overview of the ways cities can transform opportunities into reality.
“We are not where we ought to be in having a Digital Single Market”. Interview with MEP Morten Helveg Petersen
Interview with Danish MEP Petersen of ALDE Group on the Digital Single Market and entrepreneurship.
A Turning Point for Europe’s Competitiveness
It is not politicians who create jobs, but enterprises. MEP Paul Rübig identifies the main lines of action the EU should pursue to foster companies competitiveness.
‘Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auf den Weltmärkten ist entscheidend.’ Interview mit Markus Ferber
Es laufen viele Dinge schief. Erstens haben wir ein Kommunikationsproblem. Europa kann seine Erfolge kaum für sich beanspruchen. Wenn es Erfolge waren, waren es die Mitgliedsstaaten, wenn was schlecht lief, war es die EU.
‘You cannot be competitive if you do not innovate.’ Interview with Markus Ferber MEP
If there are successes, Member States claim the benefits, if something goes wrong, they blame it on the European Union.